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Summer news for Orillia Alliance Church
June 21, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Summer Sermon Series: The series entitled “Life’s Healing Choices” concludes on June 30. The summer series will follow the Words of Jesus when He stated “I am….” Each message will be independent of each other, yet will be integrated as part of the overall theme. You may access any message on our orilliaalliance.com web page under the “Sermons” tab. Pastor Paul Raj, from India, will speak on Sunday, August 25.
Kids’ Club: Please note that children will remain in the service during July & August. Children and families may sit, if they choose, at one of the round tables. The nursery will remain available for nursing mothers.
Little Bay Mission Trip: This annual ministry will be led by Pastor Graham and will consist of three members from OAC and two from the Midland Alliance Church. You may contribute to this trip through your tithes and offerings by indicating on your envelope or placing a contribution in the offering box in front of the sound booth. The dates are August 18 through 28.
Village Green VBS: OAC is partnering with CEF to present a VBS at Morningstar Park (Village Green ministry) the week of July 15 – 19 from 2 pm to 4:30. A special “family fun day” will take place on the Friday which will include “bouncing castle type of amusements.” Promo literature is now available.
Bethel House India Summer Concert: An exciting dinner and concert is planned for Thursday, August 22 at 5:30. It will feature the Bob Hawkins Band, a local Christian artist who has been nationally recognized, in concert. Please keep this date open and more details will follow. It will be held at the Christian Reformed Church on Fittons Rd in Orillia. This is a barrier free location with plenty of parking. This will be worshipful evening of fellowship in support of the incredible movement of God through Bethel House India.
Living for Jesus: URGENT PRAYER request is for the Lord to provide a new location for this vital ministry. An area of approximately 5,000 sq feet is required. When God’s people pray, the Lord reveals exciting possibilities!
Pastoral Care or Contacting a Pastor Please call the church number (705 325 2571) at any time and your call will be answered by either Pastor Bill or Graham. Requests may also be emailed to info@orilliaalliance.com .